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This API will be used to start a workflow using workflowId
, you can get workflowId
from this API
This API will give you data for required inputs of a workflow and platformId for which social Account ID will be passed in the next API call
The above API will give a response like this :
This API will be used to configure workflow inputs, and social accounts and start the workflow.
This will take a body like this:
You'll get csvUrl from the above API call.
Create inputs object like this.
The key will be the input name and the value will be that CSV header which will be used as actual input.
Suppose CSV have 3 Headers: Profile URL, Keyword & Profile Picture. Now the inputs object will look like
Pass orgUserId and workspaceId as ‘{"orgUserId":"123","workspaceId":"123"}’
Pass orgUserId and workspaceId as ‘{"orgUserId":"123","workspaceId":"123"}’
Upload file. Supported types: image/, application/
Pass orgUserId and workspaceId as ‘{"orgUserId":"123","workspaceId":"123"}’
Pass orgUserId and workspaceId as ‘{"orgUserId":"123","workspaceId":"123"}’
Pass orgUserId and workspaceId as ‘{"orgUserId":"123","workspaceId":"123"}’
No body
Pass orgUserId and workspaceId as ‘{"orgUserId":"123","workspaceId":"123"}’